Regional Career Technical Education Network
Starting 10/2/2024 at 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 11 - Literacy

This network supports Career Centers and schools focused on Career Pathways, aiming to enhance the delivery of high-quality instruction for students with disabilities.

The network’s primary objectives are:

• Providing timely updates from the Ohio Department of Education and

  Workforce, and other relevant agencies.

• Enhancing knowledge and skills related to career pathways.

• Addressing various topics such as postsecondary transition, graduation  

  requirements, and special education.

• Offering opportunities for participants to present on district and building-level


• Facilitating networking among Career Technical Education leaders in Central    


Audience: Career Tech Administrators and Special Education Leaders

The dates are:  10/2/24, 1/15/25, and 5/7/25 
You must register for each session separately

To register: 
